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Willkommen! Schau Dich um und diskutiere mit. Wir haben gerade erst angefangen. Poste gerne ein Thema, um loszulegen :-)
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Hello and good day to you all,
I am based in the North Wales in the United Kingdom. I've enjoyed shooting for over 40 years in and around Snowdonia. I enjoy Game, Vermin and Target Shooting. I have shot shorter ranges in Gallery Rifle along with medium range 3-500m Rifle. As I have more time now I am going to get out to the longer distances, hence needing more valued information.
I look forward to reading all about your experiences and requirements. If I can help with my limited knowledge I will.
My other passion is knives. (I didn't have a very "Politically Correct " upbringing!) My passion turned into a business we now trade thousands of collectible knives a year through my business. If you like knives too, have a look at www.SportingCutlery.co.uk
Best wishes from North Wales!
Hell-o the camp.
Have been a shooter since age 5 and enjoy a variety of firearms, from: Peabody and Sharps single shot rifles; Mannlicher-Scheonauer rifles; some Winchester lever actions; Colt Single Action Army and a few other revolvers. Located in Montana US.
I greatly enjoy/appreciate the fine craftsmanship of European combination guns.
I am starting into the use of a Franz Sodia Cape Gun (1930) in 16 ga x 6.5x70R and beginning to explore this cartridge. Would appreciate hearing from those that have used this cartridge and their experiences with it. Looking forward to being a member here. Thank you...
Hi all, Craig here from New Zealand. I'm a hunter and reloader and owner of ozarkprecisionnz.co.nz love my little business and really enjoy the finer things in the precision reloading and shooting games. Things really have on a long way and there's always something new to learn. Currently have a couple of builds in progress but currently have a 22-243, .243Ai, .300 Blaser Mag, and a new 25CM.
Hi - I guess there is always someone who needs to be first ;-) I am a hunter and reloader from Germany, hunting in the mountains and oftn shooting long distances. I love the 6.5 Creedmore.