7 mm rem mag, 165 gr Sierra Tipped Game King is listed with incorrect length
Listed as 32 mm long, but is 38 mm long
Can I still trust the indicated “Min / Max load’s” ?
my powder is Norma MRP
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Hi, I see that the technical specifications are updated. 😃
But, I find the max load data is unchanged.
The 7 mm rem mag with Norma MRP is “still” listed with max 66.8 gr powder together with the 165 gr bullet Sierra Tipped Gameking at a “unchanged” fill rate of only 94 % after the update of bullet lenght.
This might indicate that not “all” associated data was updated.
Might I ask you to have a look at this once more?
Can you send a picture with the bullet in a scale so that we can validate the length. We would then adjust all related data. Thanks