I signed up here to get load data just recently. I am particularly looking for load data for my new 6mm GT. This looked like a great source for this, but as I am compared the data here with load data I know to be safe, the max loads listed here are WAY TOO LOW. Using this as my data source for load development, I have very low chance of blowing up my gun, but I won't be able to get optimal loads that are as fast and consistent as I can safely shoot. Are others here also seeing that the max loads given here are way too conservative?
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Good topic. Keen to see how other think about this!
So far, our max loads are set with 10% safety buffer vs. the max. Allowed pressure (https://www.xxlreloading.com/services-faq?questionId=620e09a4-bc13-42d6-84e6-f9027a8855c7&appDefId=14c92d28-031e-7910-c9a8-a670011e062d). We know that some other sources are more aggressive.
Would be easy for us to define max loads based on lower safety buffer but so far feedback from users was supportive of our approach .
We are thinking about allowing users to define the buffer themselves as part of our personalized load calculator (https://www.xxlreloading.com/services-faq?questionId=9ca693aa-8929-48cb-89f2-50031f3c83a8&appDefId=14c92d28-031e-7910-c9a8-a670011e062d). Would that be useful?