I have looked at a number of rifle loads and H414 and W760 powder would not be listed with the default 10% safety factor. When you customize the load and set safety margin to 0% these powders show up in the load table. Is there any issue with using the W760 powder and with the starting load and working up from there? Or is there a good reason why they don’t show up in the load data with the default 10% safety margin? I’m inquiring because mainly because W760 generally show a little higher velocity and I have plenty of inventory of this powder.
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Our loads are simulated/calculated and deviate from actual results to some extend. Guns, cartridges, powder batches und bullet batches might also deviate from the norm and what we use as inputs. Hence, we consider 10% safety buffer necessary for all default results. We also will not change this for safety reasons.
In our default results we also want to list only powders which fulfill the criteria specified on our pages: https://www.xxlreloading.com//services-faq?questionId=dbd4f8b9-101e-4f50-9993-936cee30bf88
We understand that experienced loaders might want to operate at the margin. This is why we have implemented the personalized load calculator. Does this help to clarify?