Hello looking to see if its possible to get load data using US869 for 338 lapua 250g berger hybrid OTM tactical ! Thanks
I have some load data for it but you guys have better data as to pressures and all that thanks
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Thanks to the support of the community we have been able to calibrate our powder model for Hodgdon US 869 and have added this powder: https://www.xxlreloading.com/powders/hodgdon--us-869
However, it does not meet the listing criteria for your desired caliber and bullet combination: https://www.xxlreloading.com/services-faq?questionId=dbd4f8b9-101e-4f50-9993-936cee30bf88&appDefId=14c92d28-031e-7910-c9a8-a670011e062d and is hende not listed in the standard loads: https://www.xxlreloading.com/load-data/.338-lapua-mag./.338-%7C-250gr-%7C-berger-hybrid-otm-tactical
The propellant combustion is below 90%, actually 78%. You can see if you use the personalized load calculator for this powder / caliber combination: https://www.xxlreloading.com/services-faq?questionId=9ca693aa-8929-48cb-89f2-50031f3c83a8&appDefId=14c92d28-031e-7910-c9a8-a670011e062d as this shows also loads with lower propellant combustion.
Hope this helps!