Getting familiar with the site and playing with the MyDiary. Couple questions.
Under Weapons could you add two fields?
Barrel Twist Rate
Sight Height
Also, when in MyDiary, when I click on a load you provide a nice sheet with the all the details. But I am not able to click on the load under my weapon. Something that would be helpful is if when you click on the load under the weapon it would bring in the weapon details to the top section. If it could generate a PDF for download ... you could then print it out and take it to the range to record results.
I mocked up a sheet below ... would make more sense likely to do portrait ...but was using what you already had and adding a little. My thought was this is what you would like to have at the range when your firing to see how the load performed. I am sure that other things could be added ...but was going simple.
Loving the site guys!

Thanks for the great suggestion. We discuss in the team and get back with what we can do! Keep you posted