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  • Die ultimative Webseite für Wiederlader |

    Die ultimative Webseite für Wiederlader Über 4 Mio. Ladedaten für über 3.000 Geschosse, 200 Pulver und 300 Kaliber. Alle Ladedaten Zugangslizenz erwerben 4.7 durchschnittliches Rating ist 4.7 von 5 Kunden schätzen uns Beliebt bei Wiederladern, Sportschützen und Jägern W. Ashton: Es war genau, wonach ich gesucht habe. Einfach zu bedienende Website und eine große Auswahl an Ladedaten. > 4 Mio. Mehr Ladedaten als irgendwo sonst. Beliebte Wiederlade-Kaliber Wir sind einzigartig Innovativ Vergleichen Sie einfach die Leistung verschiedener Pulver und sehen Sie die Leistungsdaten unterschiedlicher Lauflängen. Unabhängig Wir bieten umfangreiche Ladedaten für Geschosse und Pulver verschiedener Marken an einem Ort. Leistungsstark Wir betreiben sehr anspruchsvolle und leistungsfähige ballistische Modelle auf High-End-Computern. Neue Funktionen Individueller Laderechner Berechnen Sie Ihre Ladungen nach Ihren Spezifikationen live Digitales Ladebuch Verwalten Sie die Ladungen aller Ihrer Waffen . BETA live Forum Discuss and share with fellow handloaders Forum Live Trophäenraum Teilen Sie Ihre Jagderlebnisse in Prüfung Wir haben Ladedaten für folgende Marken >> alle Marken XXL ist eine Webseite, die Wiederladern umfangreiche Ladedaten für Komponenten verschiedener Marken und Hersteller an einem Ort bietet! Für eine gewünschte Geschoß- und Kaliberkombination können bei uns die Lade- und Leistungsdaten verschiedener Treibladungsmittel direkt verglichen werden. Für jede Ladung zeigen wir die ballistischen Daten für Standard-Lauflängen sowie für gekürzte Lauflängen, die häufig mit Schalldämpfern zum Einsatz kommen. Über uns >> mehr über uns Umfangreiches Update unserer Ladedaten vor 7 Tagen Ladedaten für Unterschall-/Subsonic Munition verfügbar 6. Apr. QuickLOAD Produktbeurteilung (Ballistik-Software für erfahrene Wiederlader) 2. Apr. Datenbasis Unser hochentwickelter Ballistik-Rechner berücksichtigt alle relevanten Aspekte wie Pulvereigenschaften, Geschoss- und Patronenmaße. Die zugrundeliegenden Modelle sind in der einschlägigen Literatur ausführlich behandelt. Die Besonderheit besteht darin, diese Modelle an realen Tests zu kalibrieren, um die Genauigkeit zu verbessern. Ballistik- and Pulvermodelle ​Wir haben mit einem der bekanntesten Experten auf diesem Gebiet zusammengearbeitet, um unsere Modelle zu optimieren. Andere existierende Ballistik-Rechner wurden oft auf der Grundlage alter Programmiersprachen und begrenzter Verarbeitungskapazitäten leistungsschwacher Computer entwickelt. Unsere Modelle laufen auf High-End-Cloud-Servern, wodurch wir mehr Iterationen durchführen können, um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Hochleistungs-Ballistik-Simulationen

  • Zahlarten und Zugang |

    Zahlarten ​ Wir akzeptieren Paypal und alle gängigen Kreditkarten als Zahlungsmethode. Es fallen keine zusätzlichen Versand- oder Lieferkosten an. Um den vollen Zugriff auf unsere Ladedaten zu erwerben, müssen Sie ein Kundenkonto registrieren. Ihr Kundenkonto wird nach erfolgreicher Zahlung freigeschaltet. Dadurch können Sie sich bei jedem erneuten Besuch unserer Seite in Ihr Kundenkonto einloggen und sämtliche Ladedaten für den erworbenen Abonnementzeitraum einsehen. ​

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    Kontakt Nutzen Sie bitte das Kontaktformular, um uns eine Nachricht zu senden. (Bitte genaue Geschossmaße angeben: Länge, Konuslänge, Durchmesser an der Geschossbasis) Sie möchten unsere Ladedaten um ein bestimmtes Geschoss ergänzen? Dann posten Sie Ihren Wunsch bitte hier . Sie möchten unsere Ladedaten um ein bestimmtes Kaliber ergänzen? Dann posten Sie Ihren Wunsch bitte hier . Sie haben allgemeine Fragen , z. B. warum unsere Ladedaten von anderen Quellen abweichen? Dann schauen Sie bitte in unsere FAQs oder stellen Sie Ihre Frage hier . Sie haben Probleme mit unserer Website? Bitte schauen Sie hier Erste. Vorname* Nachname* E-Mail* Nachricht* Absenden Kontaktformular

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    Forum Willkommen! Schau Dich um und diskutiere mit. Wir haben gerade erst angefangen. Poste gerne ein Thema, um loszulegen :-) HINWEIS: Wir können dieses Forum leider nicht auf eine Sprache beschränken und die Beiträge nicht nach Sprachen filtern. Daher kann es auch vorkommen, dass Sie auf Beiträge in Englisch stoßen. Sehen Sie hier , wie Sie Ihre E-Mail-Benachrichtigungseinstellung ändern können, falls Sie nicht über neue Diskussionsthemen benachrichtigt werden möchten oder die Häufigkeit von Aktualisierungen ändern möchten. HINWEIS: Wir können dieses Forum leider nicht auf eine Sprache beschränken und die Beiträge nicht nach Sprachen filtern. Daher kann es auch vorkommen, dass Sie auf Beiträge in Englisch stoßen. Sehen Sie hier , wie Sie Ihre E-Mail-Benachrichtigungseinstellung ändern können, falls Sie nicht über neue Diskussionsthemen benachrichtigt werden möchten oder die Häufigkeit von Aktualisierungen ändern möchten. Aktuelle Diskussionen COASTALCOWBOYTX Strich · 23Min. Issues with "My Diary" Gefällt mir Reaktionen 0 0 Kommentare 0 Aufrufe cwskip808 30. Mai Bookmarking a Load?? Gefällt mir Reaktionen 1 14 Kommentare 14 Aufrufe les.colins Strich · vor 4 Tagen 7mm prc Gefällt mir Reaktionen 0 4 Kommentare 4 Aufrufe Um zu sehen wie dies funktioniert, öffne deine veröffentlichte Website. Kategorien Alle Beiträge Meine Beiträge Create New Post General / Allgemein Welcome to the forum! subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 3 Abonnieren Load Data | Ladedaten Discussion about our load data, data sources, etc. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 31 Abonnieren Sub-Sonic Load Data /Ladedaten Discussions around sub-sonic loads. Diskussionen zu Unterschall-/Subsonic Ladungen subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 1 Abonnieren Access License |Zugangslizenz Anything about the options to access our site and features Alles über die Zugangslizenz zu unserem Ladedaten und Service subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 3 Abonnieren Bugs | Fehler Let us know if anything does not work! Lass uns wissen, wenn etwas nicht funktioniert! subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 20 Abonnieren Wishlist | Wunschliste Let us know what you would like to see on our website and how we can do better. Lass uns Verbesserungswünsche wissen. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 19 Abonnieren Others Your topic does not fit elsewhere - then post here. Alle Themen, die sonst nirgends passen. subcategory-list-item.views subcategory-list-item.posts 3 Abonnieren Neue Beiträge COASTALCOWBOYTX 23мин. Issues with "My Diary" Bugs | Fehler The powder selection drop-down box required to add a load to "my diary" is not functioning. When you select the desired load data with any caliber and bullet combination, the powder selection is blank with no drop down which prevents you from saving the data. This is only a new issue and has worked without issues up until recently. Gefällt mir 0 Kommentare 0 a3anvwyk -2 дн. Help with load Load Data | Ladedaten Hi i just bought a subscription but cant find any load data for 7by 64 brenneke with hodgons h4350 For sierra 165 tipped game king any help? Gefällt mir 1 Kommentar 1 desperado763 -2 дн. 10mm Auto Geschosse & Ladedaten Load Data | Ladedaten Bitte 10mm Auto anlegen für Geschosse Los 180gr. Blei RNFP verkupfert L=15,09mm (Quickload) Los 180gr. Blei RN verkupfert L= 15,70mm (Quickload) Pulver N340 Lovex D037.2 Danke Gruß JP Gefällt mir 1 Kommentar 1 Forum - Frameless

  • Mitgliederseite |

    Wir können die gesuchte Seite nicht finden Diese Seite gibt es nicht. Die Startseite öffnen und dort umsehen. Zur Startseite Wähle in welchen Maßeinheiten die Daten angezeigt werden sollen Imperial Metrisch

  • Hilfe / FAQs |

    Hilfe / FAQs Bitte prüfen Sie zunächst Hilfe / häufig Fragen. Why do you discontinue the old site Our old site was built on a technology that does not allow us to add new features. The old system makes it also very difficult for us to add new calibers, bullets, and powders - it just can't deal with the amount of data. We have received many suggestions over the last years on how to improve our site and what features to add. Unfortunately, this is impossible with the old system. Hence, we decided to launch a new website under (very similar, we know). We will continue to run the old website for a while to fulfill the access licenses that have already been purchased. New access licenses will be sold here. Can I cancel my subscription? You can manage your subscription in your customer account. - Log in - Go to "My Subscriptions" - Click on the respective Subscription - click on "active" Then you can update the payment method or cancel your sbuscription. The subscription is always for 12 months but can be canceled at any time. IMPORTANT: We remind you by email 3 days before your subscription renews! If you cancel, then the subscription terminates when the 12 months are over. Example: You buy the license on January 10 and pay $12.00 + $12.50 setup cost = $24.50. You cancel the subscription on April 23. The subscription ends on January 9 the following year. There is no refund. What payment options do you provide? Please see here: We do not offer any further payment options. How can I access my account/load data after I have purchased an access license? To access the load data, you need a valid access license and you need to log in with your email and password. To log in: In the upper right corner click on "Log In" and fill in your email and password. If you see "Log in", you are not logged in and you can't access your load data. Once you are properly logged in, our system can check if you have a valid access license. If so, then the load data will be displayed including the powder charges. Also, the following button "Unlock Powder Charges" will not show any longer: Please contact us if you can not access the load data even though you are logged in and that you have a valid license (you can check in your account under "My Subscriptions") I have problems with your website - can't see what I want or disturbed. What can I do? Please try the following before you write us about any problems with the website: - make sure you have a good internet connection - make sure you are logged on with email and password - make sure you have an up-to-date browser - our and other modern websites are not supported by old browsers - try to view our page with another device or browser to see if the problem is consistent across browsers and devices - Refresh page - delete cookies / browser history How can I manage the settings for my notifications? You can manage your settings in your customer account. Log into your customer account Click on Profile 3. Go to Tab "Settings" 4. Change the desired Settings, particularly: topics for email notifications frequency of notifications How can I bookmark a load? You can bookmark a load if you have a valid access license as shown in the following video: What is "Filling Percentage", "Fill Rate" or "Load Density"? The Filling Percentage is the effective or usable combustion chamber volume occupied by the charge. This is also also named "Load Ratio" or "Fill Rate" and can be found in good reloading manuals. The Effective Combustion Chamber Volume is further explained here. The volume occupied by the charge is equal to the powder bulk density multiplied by the weight of the charge. The powder bulk density can be found in our powder/propellant database. Fill Rate = volume occupied / usable combustion camber volume Volume Occupied = charge x bulk density of powder Usable combustion camber volume = total case volume - volume occupied by seated bullet Important notice: Reloaders commonly try to operate with fill rates between 80% and 100%. Loads below 80% can be dangerous as they can produce very unsteady results. Loads above 100% are "press loads". They can also produce unsteady results and often dangerous pressures. Powder criteria to be listed in load tables Powders listed for a specific caliber and bullet combination need to deliver loads that meet the following criteria: Achieve Fill Rate > 80% and < 100% while not exceeding allowed pressure (loads below 80% or above 100% are typically considered unsafe) Pressure for loads < 90% of Max. Standardized Pressure (more details and instructions) Propellant Combustion for rifle loads > 90% (lower values typically lead to unsteady results and strong muzzle flash) Propellant Combustion for pistol/revolver loads > 80% (lower values typically lead to unsteady results and stronger muzzle flash) For subsonic loads other / in addition: Muzzle velocity for barrel length below speed of sound Fill Rate > 50% Propellant Combustion > 75% Can I deviate from the load data? Our load data (maximum load) contains at least a 10% safety buffer in regards to the maximum allowed pressure for a specific caliber . Hence, our listed maximum loads might be lower than loads proposed by powder or bullet manufacturers who do not include such a safety buffer. Experienced reloaders can exceed the maximum loads at own risk but should watch out for signs indicating that the ammunition is experiencing over pressure: Difficult extraction: If the cartridge is difficult to extract from the chamber, it could be an indication of over pressure. This happens because the brass casing expands more than it should due to excessive pressure. Case head expansion: The base of the cartridge case will start to expand if the pressure inside the case is too high. Primer flattening: The primer on the back of the cartridge will start to flatten if the pressure inside the case is too high. Bulging or cracking of the case: The cartridge case may bulge or crack if the pressure inside the case is too high. This is a serious issue that can cause the firearm to malfunction or even explode. Hard recoil: If the recoil of the firearm is significantly harder than usual, it could be an indication of over pressure. Else the following applies: The charge (weight of the load) is the key driver for the maximum pressure achieved by a reloaded cartridge. However, there more factors and specifically those that influence the free combustion chamber volume. The general rule is: The lower the free combustion chamber volume, the higher the achieved pressure for an identical load, hence cases with a lower volume generate higher pressure. Hence, cartridges with lower overall length (OAL) in the same caliber and with the same bullet also create higher pressure because the bullet seating depth is higher and the free combustion chamber volume is lower. We provide for each load the underlying cartridge specifications: Bullet Length, Case Length, Cartridge Length / OAL, Seated Depth, Case Capacity. Reloaders might deviate at on own risk from our load data if their cartridge specifications deviate: Bullet Length: with all other specifications being equal, greater bullet length allows for less powder Case Length (l3): with all other specifications being equal, greater case length allows for more powder Cartridge Length / OAL: with all other specifications being equal, greater OAL allows for more powder Seated Depth: with all other specifications being equal, greater seated depth allows for less powder Case Capacity: with all other specifications being equal, greater case capacity allows for more powder What is "propellant combustion" or "powder burnt" or "z"? Propellant combustion is the solid-to-gas conversion of the powder. The metric "z" defines the percentage of the burnt propellant when the projectile leaves the muzzle. When optimizing a cartridge load through appropriate selection of components, combustion preferably ends before the projectile passes the muzzle. Achieving more than 95% of burnt propellant is considered to be a fair load. This improves energy utilization, ensures consistent results and somewhat influences the generation and appearance of muzzle flash. The cartridge does not fit into my gun - is your C.O.L. data correct? We sometimes get notified that cartridges with an overall length (O.A.L or C.O.L. or L6) as specified on our pages do not fit into a particular magazine or gun. Please be aware of the following: Two institutions define cartridge specifications – the C.I.P. and SAAMI (see more here). They also define the maximum overall length of a cartridge in their technical data sheets. We respect these specifications and calculate our loads with an overall cartridge length which is always 1.5% lower than the maximum allowed length. Please contact the gun manufacturer if – based on these specifications – a cartridge does not fit into a chamber or magazine. In this case, the gun specifications are below the defined cartridge standards. You can deviate from our load data in such a rare case but please respect the following instructions. Why do our loads differ from other sources? We sometimes get asked why out loads differ from other sources. Often it is then the case, that different components are compared. Please make sure you compare apples with apples. If loads still deviate, it mostly can be attributed to the following reasons: Safety Buffer Our load data (maximum load) contains at least a 10% safety buffer in regards to the maximum allowed pressure for a specific caliber. Hence, our listed maximum loads might be lower than loads proposed by powder or bullet manufacturers who do not include such a safety buffer. Cartridge Dimensions The charge (weight of the load) is the key driver for the maximum pressure achieved by a reloaded cartridge. However, there are more factors specifically those that influence the free combustion chamber volume. The general rule is: The lower the free combustion chamber volume, the higher the achieved pressure for an identical load, hence cases with a lower volume generate higher pressure. Hence, cartridges with a lower overall length (OAL) in the same caliber and with the same bullet also create higher pressure because the bullet seating depth is higher and the free combustion chamber volume is lower. We provide for each load the underlying cartridge specifications: Bullet Length, Case Length, Cartridge Length / OAL, Seated Depth, Case Capacity. Reloaders might deviate at on own risk from our load data if their cartridge specifications deviate: Bullet Length: with all other specifications being equal, greater bullet length allows for less powder Case Length (l3): with all other specifications being equal, greater case length allows for more powder Cartridge Length / OAL: with all other specifications being equal, greater OAL allows for more powder Seated Depth: with all other specifications being equal, greater seated depth allows for less powder Case Capacity: with all other specifications being equal, greater case capacity allows for more powder Suboptimal / Incorrect Manufacturer Data The load data of the powder and bullet manufacturers sometimes simply contains errors or is based on suboptimal inputs (i.e. too little powder leading to a too low fill rate, too much powder, physically not fitting into the case mentioned). We usually inform them and started to document them in our forum for transparency. Errors in our Data We can not exclude to make mistakes. For example, we sometimes get incorrect bullet measures from manufacturers. With that, our load data can be incorrect because the calculated seating depth and free case volume are incorrect. Please contact us if you believe our load data is incorrect and let us know which source you exactly compare with which of our data. What is v or V(0)? v or V(0) is the bullet / projectile velocity when the bullet base passes the barrel muzzle - assuming the stated barrel length. In our load tables, V(0) is calculated with a standard barrel length of 23.6'' (60cm) for rifles and with 7.09'' (18 cm) for pistols/revolver. What is the Effective Combustion Chamber Volume? The Effective Combustion Chamber Volume is calculated by subtracting the volume of the portion of the bullet extending into the case from the Maximum Case Capacity. The standard Maximum Case Capacity can be found in our cartridge database and is also provided by the safety standard. Image: Effective Combustion Chamber Volume indicated in red. Important notice: The actual case volume can deviate significantly from the standard value. We recommend you measure your cartridges before loading. This is how you can measure the case volume: After obtaining the weight of a dry empty case (with used primer in place), fill the case with water. Eliminate any air bubbles and bring water even to end of case neck. Reweigh water-filled case. Subtract dry case weight from water-filled case weight. This gives case capacity in grains of water, which is the standard unit of measure and listed in our database. The volume of the portion of the bullet extending into the case needs to be calculated based on the bullet type, specifically the base type of the bullet. With flat-base bullets, calculation of the area occupied by the bullet requires only bullet diameter and seating depth. With boattail or hollow-base bullets, base design needs to be considered. Which saftety standards define the maximum allowed pressure and standard cartridge dimensions? There are two safety standards for (civil) ammunition established all over the world, which every handloader should know: In the USA, the SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute, Inc., 555 Danbury Road, Wilton, Connecticut 06897) publishes and sponsors standards approved by the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) as voluntary industry performance standards for the use by commercial manufacturers. The C.I.P. (Commission Internationale Permanente Pour lEpreuve des Armes à Feu portatives, 45, Rue Fond-des-Tawes, 4000 Liège, Belgium) sets the standards for civil ammunition and weapons for European member countries. These standards are mandatory in countries having ratified the CIP Standard. By working together, the CIP and SAAMI are working towards the development of international standards. Maximum standardized pressures are listed in our cartridge database. Notice: We recommend to stay 10-15% below the maximum standardized pressure with any load to buffer for any variations. Only very experienced handloaders should exceed these thresholds at own risk. What is the personalized load calculator? Our personalized load calculator is live! Requirements: - you need to have a valid, paid access license - you need to be logged on If you fulfill the above requirements and navigate to any load, you find some tabs on the page and one labeled "Personalized Load Calculator": Here you can enter specific values for the following inputs and calculate the load table based on these specifications: Cartridge length / O.A.L. Case capacity Barrel Length Safety Buffer Powder conversion (z) Initially, our default values are set. Pick your own, specific values, click "Find Loads" and the system calculates your specific load details. Demo Video: What is the diary? How does it work? Requirements: You need an access license to use this feature. The diary is a new feature of our website. It allows you to save each of your specific loads with specific details such as actual case capacity or C.O.L. You can also create and manage "weapons" and associate your loads with a specific weapon. For the loads, you can also save an image of the actual performance/shooting result so that you can easily remember details later. To use the function, start as follows: Login in with your email and password In your account menu, go to "My Diary" There are 2 options to add a load to your diary as indicated in the video: on the bottom of the diary page 2. on a loads page for a specific bullet and caliber combination in the tab "Add specific load to diary" Every user can add up to 25 entries to the diary. IMPORTANT: This feature is in BETA. It might still contain bugs. We would appreciate it if you post any issue you encounter in the forum. How can I delete an entry from the diary? Go to your diary. Click the specific entry to get to the detailed view. Scroll down to the section "delete" and click. Confirm to delete by clicking the delete button Impact of barrel length on muzzle velocity? It has often been debated how barrel length impacts projectile velocity at the muzzle. The general principle is clear: the longer the barrel, the higher the velocity and the kinetic energy. The pressure created by the powder explosion accelerates the projectile in the barrel. The longer the barrel, the more time and distance is available to accelerate the projectile and, hence, the muzzle velocity is higher with increasing barrel length. While the general principle is clear, we took a more scientific approach to determine this relationship in greater detail: We simulated the muzzle velocity for changing barrel length for two calibers (.308 Winchester and .300 Winchester Magnum) and the 50 most common propellants respectively. We then put the muzzle velocity (Vo) at 600mm / 23.6 barrel length to 100% and indexed the other numbers accordingly to this reference. Finally, we aggregated the values for all propellants for each caliber by taking the average. The results are as follows: If you shorten the barrel length of a .308 Win from 600mm / 23.6 to 300mm / 11.8, your muzzle velocity reduces by 25% to 75%. If you shorten the barrel length of a .300 Win Mag. from 600mm / 23.6 to 300mm / 11.8, your muzzle velocity reduces by 32% to 68%. The results are different because the must suitable powders for a .308 Win are faster burning than the most common powders for a .300 Win Mag. Hence, the accelerate the projectile faster. With the increasing use of silencers, barrel lengths vary significantly more. Our load data therefore indicates the relevant ballistic information for different barrel lengths. What is the bookmark function? How does it work? Requirement: Membership (you need to sign up as a member to use the bookmark function) To do so - click on "Log-in" in the page header on the right and register with your email and a password. Once you are registered and logged in, you can see the following buttons: You can then click "Bookmark this load" to bookmark it. If this has been done successfully, the button changes as follows: You can then remove the load/link from the bookmark by clicking the respective button. You can also click "My bookmarks" to view and manage all your bookmarks: Alternatively, you can navigate to your bookmarks by clicking on "My Bookmarks" in the Member menu: Noch Fragen? Frag uns im Forum,

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    Impressum Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG: Steffi Röttele Gartenweg 9 83661 Lenggries E-Mail: Steuernummer 104/263/70072 (Gemäß § 19 UStG wird keine Umsatzsteuer berechnet) Verantwortlicher für den Inhalt gemäß 55 Abs. 2 RStV Steffi Röttele Haftungsausschluss / Verantwortlichkeit für Inhalte Der Inhalt unserer Seiten wurde mit größter Sorgfalt erstellt. Wir können jedoch nicht die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Aktualität der Inhalte garantieren. Nach den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen sind wir weiterhin für unsere eigenen Inhalte auf diesen Webseiten verantwortlich. Bitte beachten Sie in diesem Zusammenhang, dass wir dementsprechend nicht verpflichtet sind, lediglich die übermittelten oder gespeicherten Informationen Dritter zu überwachen oder Umstände zu untersuchen, die auf illegale Aktivitäten hinweisen. Unsere Verpflichtung, die Verwendung von Informationen nach allgemein geltenden Gesetzen zu entfernen, bleibt davon gemäß §§ 8 bis 10 des Telemediengesetzes (TMG) unberührt. Verantwortlichkeit für Links Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt externer Links (zu Webseiten Dritter) liegt ausschließlich bei den Betreibern der verlinkten Seiten. Zum Zeitpunkt der Verknüpfung waren für uns keine Verstöße erkennbar. Sollte uns ein Rechtsverstoß bekannt werden, werden wir den jeweiligen Link umgehend entfernen.

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    Geschoß- und Pulver-Hersteller Unsere Ladedaten umfassen die folgenden Hersteller/Marken aus den USA, Europa und Afrika. Geschoßhersteller A-Square Alaska Bullet Works Barnes Berger Brenneke CamPro Cutting Edge Ferrobull Europe Fox Bullets Frontier Bullets GM Geschoss-Manufaktur Geco H&N Hasler Hornady Manufacturing Company IBEX Impala Bullets LEE LOS Lapua MEN Norma North Fork Nosler Peregrine Prvi Partizan RWS Reichenberg Remington Rhino Bullets SAKO SUS-TAC Sellier & Bellot Sierra Bullets Speer Styria Arms | AERO Pulverhersteller ADI Winchester Lovex IMR Shooters World Accurate Powders Alliant Powder Hodgdon Maxam Norma Reload Swiss Rottweil Somchem VECTAN Vihtavuori Ramshot

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