Hi! I was looking for load data to .44 rem mag with Vihtavouri N340 or Vihtavouri N110 and Speer 0.429, 240gn holopoint GD but there's none.
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H110 at 23.0 to 24.0 with 240gr FP
CCI 350 primer
We assume you checked here: https://www.xxlreloading.com/load-data/.44-rem.-mag./.429-%7C-240gr-%7C-speer-hollow-point-gold-dot
The powders are not listed as they do not meet the criteria: https://www.xxlreloading.com//services-faq?questionId=dbd4f8b9-101e-4f50-9993-936cee30bf88
Let us know if you find reliable load data elsewhere and we check our models accordingly. Thanks