I have a Sabatti Evo (European version) in 6.5mm Creedmoor, barrel length 660mm, with Sabatti's Multi Radial Rifling (MRR), 1:8 twist.
I am currently loading Berger 144 grain Long Range Hybrid Target Rifle Bullet, with 42.8 grains of ADI AR2209; getting 10 shot groups at 300m, 500m and 600m sub MOA.
However, I have no reliable barrel exit speed data, but it is about 2700 fps.
I get similar results with Sierra 142 grain Hollow Point Boat Tail projectiles, same powder load.
My understanding of the theory of MRR is that it will deform the projectile less, therefor less drag, so does that mean I can up the powder a bit more.
The cases and primers are handling it well.
Does anyone have any specific load data?
I guess I should be looking at Italian sites but my Italian is very poor.
Thanks Max, point taken.
No - the max pressure is typically reached before or just when the bullet leaves the case. So the drag thereafter makes no difference. You can not use more powder.