Hello looking to see if its possible to get load data using US869 for 338 lapua 250g berger hybrid OTM tactical ! Thanks
I have some load data for it but you guys have better data as to pressures and all that thanks
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Thanks to the support of the community we have been able to calibrate our powder model for Hodgdon US 869 and have added this powder: https://www.xxlreloading.com/powders/hodgdon--us-869
However, it does not meet the listing criteria for your desired caliber and bullet combination: https://www.xxlreloading.com/services-faq?questionId=dbd4f8b9-101e-4f50-9993-936cee30bf88&appDefId=14c92d28-031e-7910-c9a8-a670011e062d and is hende not listed in the standard loads: https://www.xxlreloading.com/load-data/.338-lapua-mag./.338-%7C-250gr-%7C-berger-hybrid-otm-tactical
The propellant combustion is below 90%, actually 78%. You can see if you use the personalized load calculator for this powder / caliber combination: https://www.xxlreloading.com/services-faq?questionId=9ca693aa-8929-48cb-89f2-50031f3c83a8&appDefId=14c92d28-031e-7910-c9a8-a670011e062d as this shows also loads with lower propellant combustion.
Hope this helps!
This is a rather rare / specific powder and we do not yet have enough data to calibrate our powder model at the desired quality level. We will add the powder as soon as we have more data .