Would like to have a 6.5 prc that would shoot a 142 grain bullet 4000fps
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The way you can check if this is feasable is as follows:
go to the respective caliber page - here: https://www.xxlreloading.com/calibers/6.5-prc
See if there is a bullet in your desired weight available. In your case it is not. So you can choose the next closest - here 143g or 140g
We have chosen for this illustration the Hornady 143g ELD-X: https://www.xxlreloading.com/load-data/6.5-prc/.264-%7C-143gr-%7C-hornady-eld-x
The load table gives you the velocitis for the max load. They include in our standard settings a safety buffer of 10% vs. the maximum allowed pressure for this caliber.
The fastest velocity with this buffer is Alliant Reloder 25 with 3156fps
Now you can - at own risk - open the "PErsonalized Load Calculator" tab and put the safety buffer to 0. This shows you that Accurate MagPro would give you 3199 fps at a 23.6'' barrel length.