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Load data pages enhanced and cool features added

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Updated: Jan 13

We have received a lot of feedback from the community on how to improve our load pages - thanks for that, much appreciated! We have taken this into account and made the following improvements:

Better structure

We cleaned up the page and organized the content in various tabs. This allows you to quicker navigate to the load page.

The "Explanations" tab contains helpful information on the underlying assumptions for the load data shown as well as how to treat deviations from this.

The "Personalized Load Calculator" is a new feature that we integrated into the load pages. We had this on a separate page before. Now you don't have to navigate elsewhere.

Personalized Load Calculator
Personalized Load Calculator

"Add specific Load to Diary" is a new function that we will explain in more detail in the coming days.

"Filter Load Table by Powder Brand" allows you to filter the load tables accordingly.

New feature

We integrated the personalized load calculator into these pages. This allows you to calculate the loads based on your specific input values for cartridge dimensions, minimum powder burnt, pressure safety buffer, and barrel length. Find here more information about this feature.


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