The QuickLOAD program is an internal ballistic simulation software. It simulates a load by combining selected reloading components and calculates gas pressure and muzzle velocity. It is a commercial product that costs over $ 120 one time. Updates are also chargeable.
The program was developed by Dipl.-Ing. Hartmut G. Brömel, who did pioneering work in this area. We respect the outstanding performance of Mr. Brömel. QuickLOAD is an excellent tool for very experienced reloaders, but it is no longer up-to-date in terms of operation and interface and currently no longer for sale.

Unfortunatly, the program was developed at a time when PCs still had very little computing and storage capacities. As a result, the software can only carry out comparatively few iterations for the simulation that require little computing capacity. The underlying data (e.g. bullet specifications) are split up into a large number of files, as the computers were previously unable to process larger files.
For beginners, caution is also advised with QuickLOAD. A large number of variables can be changed, which makes the program powerful. However, setting a variable incorrectly can have disastrous consequences. also uses internal ballistic simulation software to calculate the loads. However, our models run on high-end cloud servers, which allow us to do more iterations for better results. We are also significantly cheaper. We meanwhile also offer the option to tailor the load specifications to your specific needs with our Personalized Load Calculator.