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IMR Load Data

The IMR brand was created under the DuPont Corporation. In fact, E. I. duPont arrived in America in 1800 determined to make an improved gunpowder and, by 1802, was producing gunpowder in a new plant along the Brandywine River in Wilmington, Delaware (this plant morphed into what is today the GOEX brand of black powder). DuPont had historically been a major supplier of military propellants long before becoming one of the handloader’s favorite powders. First used in battle in 1805 by United States naval forces against pirates off the coast of Algiers, DuPont supplied more than 80% of Allied Forces powder needs in World War I. Every week of WW II, as many munitions were used as in all of WW I. This demand lead to an incredible 2.5 billion pounds of smokeless propellants being manufactured by DuPont for Allied Forces in World War II. The IMR brand was first introduced under DuPont in the 1930’s. IMR is an acronym for Improved Military Rifle. The first IMR reloading powders included ever popular favorites IMR3031 (1934), IMR4064 (1935) and IMR4350 (1940). Each of these are still favorites with handloaders today! The IMR series of handloading powders were the only choice to wring full performance out of rifle calibers. For this reason, the IMR brand powders truly are Legendary products. In 2003, Hodgdon Powder Company acquired the IMR brand bringing these prestigious powders under the umbrella that also includes Hodgdon, Winchester and GOEX. Any gunpowder required by handloaders can be sourced through these brands.

Reloading Powders Covered

IMR Load Data

We have load data for the following IMR powders:

IMR 4227

IMR 4227
IMR 4227 is a medium burn speed, magnum pistol propellant. If a pistol says Magnum, IMR 4227 is the choice for true magnum velocities and performance. In rifles, this powder delivers excellent velocity and accuracy in such cartridges as the 22 Hornet and 221 Fireball.

IMR 4198

IMR 4198
This fast-burning rifle powder gives outstanding performance in cartridges like the 222 Remington, 221 Fireball, 45-70, and 450 Marlin. It is also outstanding in cartridges like the 444 Marlin and 7.62 X 39. Varmint shooters with small-bore cartridges love it.

IMR 3031

IMR 3031
A medium burn speed propellant with many uses, IMR 3031 has long been a favorite of 308 Match shooters using 168-grain match bullets. It is equally effective in small-capacity varmint cartridges from 223 Remington to 22-250 Remington, and its a great 30-30 Winchester powder.

IMR 8208 XBR

IMR 8208 XBR
IMR 8208 XBR is an accurate-metering, super short-grained extruded rifle powder was designed expressly for match, varmint, and AR sniper cartridges. As a medium burn speed propellant, XBR is ideally suited for cartridges like the 223 Remington/5.56mm, 308 Winchester/7.62mm NATO and the 6mm PPC. Shooters will find IMR 8208 XBR yields max velocities and tack driving accuracy. Clearly, the competitors choice and the Varmint Hunters dream powder.

IMR 4064

IMR 4064
IMR 4064 is a medium-range burn speed powder and is one of the most versatile propellant in the IMR line, used for 223 Remington, 22-250 Remington, 220 Swift, 6mm Remington, 243 Winchester Super Short Magnum, 308 Winchester, 338 Winchester Magnum, and the list goes on and on. Versatility with uniformity and accuracy.

IMR 4166 Enduron

IMR 4166 Enduron
IMR Enduron 4166 is a versatile, match-grade propellant, with the fastest burn rate in the Enduron line. It is an extruded powder with a perfect burn speed for cartridges like 308 Winchester, 7.62mm NATO, 22-250 Remington or 257 Roberts, among other cartridges. The main features of the Enduron series are copper fouling eliminator, insensitivity to temperature changes, ideal loading density and being environmentally friendly. This propellant performs comparably to Hodgdon Varget but charge weights are materially different.

IMR 4895

IMR 4895
Originally a military powder featured in the 30-06, IMR 4895 is extremely versatile as a medium burn speed propellant. From the 17 Remington to the 243 Winchester to the 375 H&H Magnum, accuracy and performance are excellent. In addition, it is a longtime favorite of Match shooters.

IMR 4451 Enduron

IMR 4451 Enduron
IMR Enduron 4451 is a versatile, match-grade propellant with a mid-range burn speed in the Enduron line. It is an extruded powder and is perfect for cartridges like 270 Winchester, 30-06 or 300 Winchester Short Magnum, among others. The main features of the Enduron series are copper fouling eliminator, insensitivity to temperature changes, ideal loading density and being environmentally friendly. This propellant performs comparably to Hodgdon H4350 but charge weights are materially different.

IMR 4350

IMR 4350
IMR 4350 is a medium- to slow-burn rate propellant and is the number one choice for the new short magnums, both Remington and Winchester versions. For magnums with light- to medium-bullet weights, IMR 4350 is the best choice.

IMR 4831

IMR 4831
IMR 4831 has a slightly slower burn rate speed than IMR 4350. It provides top velocities and performance with heavier bullets in medium-sized magnums.

IMR 4955 Enduron

IMR 4955 Enduron
IMR Enduron 4955 is a versatile, match-grade propellant with a mid-range burn speed that is in between IMR4451 and IMR7977. It is an extruded powder and provides top performance for big game cartridges like 25-06, 270 Winchester, 280 Remington and 300 Win Mag, among other cartridges. The main features of the Enduron series are copper fouling eliminator, insensitivity to temperature changes, ideal loading density and being environmentally friendly. This propellant performs comparably to Hodgdon H4831 but charge weights are materially different.

IMR 7977 Enduron

IMR 7977 Enduron
IMR Enduron 7977 is a slower burn rate in the Enduron family. Loading density is perfect for magnums, contributing to superb uniformity. This is a true magnum propellant yielding outstanding performance in 300 Winchester Magnum, 7mm Remington Magnum and 338 Lapua, among other cartridges. Loading density is perfect for magnums, nicely filling the case at maximum charges, contributing to superb uniformity and accuracy. The main features of the Enduron series are copper fouling eliminator, insensitivity to temperature changes, ideal loading density and being environmentally friendly. IMR 7977 performs comparably to Hodgdon H1000 but charge weights are materially different.

IMR 7828 SSC

IMR 7828 SSC
IMR 7828 SSC is a magnum rifle powder with exactly the same burn rate as standard IMR 7828 and uses the same data. However, due to the super short kernels, metering is virtually as good as a spherical powder. This allows up to 4% more powder space in the case and in many loads yields more velocity than standard 7828. Such loads are marked with an asterisk in the data to show where standard 7828 will not fit.

IMR 8133 Enduron

IMR 8133 Enduron
IMR Enduron 8133 is the slowest burn rate in the Enduron family. Loading density is perfect for magnums, contributing to superb uniformity. This is a true magnum propellant yielding outstanding performance in 6.5-300 Weatherby, 264 Win Mag, 28 Nosler and 300 Rem Ultra Mag, among other cartridges. Loading density is perfect for magnums, nicely filling the case at maximum charges, contributing to superb uniformity and accuracy. The main features of the Enduron series are copper fouling eliminator, insensitivity to temperature changes, ideal loading density and being environmentally friendly. IMR 8133 performs comparably to Hodgdon Retumbo but charge weights are materially different.

IMR Powders used by our Community for the 10 most popular Calibers

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