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Ramshot Load Data
Western Powders, Inc. ist seit 1972 einer der führenden Vertreiber von Schießpulver in Nordamerika. Das Unternehmen in Miles City, Montana, hat sich aus dem Vertrieb von Dupont IMR Powders in den 1970er Jahren entwickelt. Nachdem wir ein hocheffizientes Vertriebsnetz für Schießpulver aufgebaut hatten, beschlossen wir 1998, unsere eigene Marke von Treibmitteln unter dem Namen „Ramshot“ zu entwickeln und zu vermarkten. Um unsere Geschäftstätigkeit weiter auszubauen, haben wir 2005 „Accurate Arms“ und 2006 „Montana X-Treme Gun Cleaning Products“ gekauft. Unsere jüngste Markeneinführung war Blackhorn 209 Muzzleloading Propellant, das die Muzzleloading-Branche seit seiner Einführung im Jahr 2008 revolutioniert hat.
Jedes von Western Powders entwickelte Produkt setzt die branchenweit höchsten Standards für Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit. Wir sind stolz darauf, die Freiheit zu tragen, Waffen zu tragen, und bemühen uns, die Jagd und das Freizeitschießen für jeden unserer Kunden angenehmer zu gestalten.
Reloading Powders Covered

We have load data for the following Ramshot powders:
Ramshot Big Game
The best powder for the .30-06 Springfield. Maximum performance with optimal loading density and uniformity from shot to shot are the most striking features. These positive properties also make it suitable for the .22-250 and similar calibers. This powder is also well suited for all types of powder filling devices.
Ramshot Wild Boar
A two-base, cleanly burning, high-performance ball powder that achieves top performance in modern calibers such as .270 Winchester, .300 WSM and .338 Win Mag. It is the only powder that is in the range of 4350 powder in terms of combustion behavior, but is suitable for a wide range of different calibers. This powder can also be processed very well in powder filling devices and produces clean, even loads.
Ramshot Hunter
HUNTER is a double-base, clean burning, high performance propellant that is perfect for elk country cartridges such as the 270 Winchester, 300 WSM and 338 Win Mag. Its the only spherical powder in the popular 4350 burn range making it an ideal powder for a wide range of cartridges. The excellent flow characteristics allow accurate metering and consistent shot-to-shot results. Made in Belgium.
Ramshot Magnum
MAGNUM is the ultimate high performance magnum rifle powder. It provides outstanding performance from the popular 7mm Rem Mag and 300 Win Mag through the Remington Ultra Mags and 338 Lapua. It is a double-base spherical propellant that is the number one choice for high performance overbore magnum cartridges. Made in Belgium.
Ramshot LRT
As one of the slowest spherical powders ever developed, LRT, was created for high performance at extreme ranges. Designed specifically for the 338 Lapua Magnum using heavy, high ballistic coefficient bullets. LRT offers high load densities and low standard deviations for superior accuracy. Hunters who prefer the advantages of overbore magnums like the 257 Weatherby or 30 Nosler will find that LRT meters more easily and produces flatter trajectories than rival propellants. Made in Belgium.
Ramshot Zip
ZIP is a clean burning, double-base propellant designed for a wide range of handgun calibers. Low charge weights make it the most economical and versatile choice for high volume shooters with the added benefit of low recoil, low flash and minimum residue. 9mm, 40 S&W, and 45 ACP are just a few of the cartridges that are well-matched with this powder. Made in Belgium.
Ramshot Silhouette
SILHOUETTE is the choice for competitive shooters in IPSC, IDPA and USPSA. A double-base high performance spherical powder, its is an excellent choice for 9mm, 38 Super, 40 S&W and 45 ACP. It has a low flash signature, high velocity, and clean burning properties which also make it the perfect choice for indoor ranges and law enforcement applications. Made in USA.
Ramshot True Blue
TRUE BLUE is the perfect powder for classic calibers such as the 38 Special, 44 Special, and 45 Long Colt. Its a double-base, spherical powder with great metering properties that make it an ideal choice for consistent results using high volume, progressive reloading equipment. It works well with cast bullets and is also an excellent choice for 9mm law enforcement rounds. Made in Belgium.
Ramshot Enforcer
ENFORCER is the best choice for high performance, full power loads in magnum handgun cartridges. It is ideally suited for the 44 Magnum, 454 Casull, 460 S&W, and the 500 S&W. Its is a double-base spherical powder with excellent metering qualities that meets the performance expectations of serious magnum handgun shooters. Made in Belgium
Ramshot X-Terminator
X-TERMINATOR is a double-base spherical powder designed for the high volume 223 varmint hunters who demands a clean burning, accurate powder. Excellent flow characteristics and small grain size allow trouble-free loading in small diameter case necks. It performs extremely well with light to medium weight bullets in the 223 Remington. It is also an excellent choice for 17 Remington, 20 caliber cartridges, 222 Remington and the 45-70 Government. Made in Belgium.
Ramshot TAC
TAC is a double-base spherical propellant that sets the standard for extreme accuracy and reliability with heavy bullets in the 223 Remington and match applications in 308 Winchester. Excellent flow characteristics ensure consistent metering and charge weights for repeatable results with progressive loading equipment. It is the choice for shooters who demand precision and accuracy. Made in Belgium.
Ramshot Powders used by our Community for the 10 most popular Calibers
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