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Shooters World Load Data
Shooters World mission is to distribute a consistent supply of high quality propellant to ammunition manufacturers, reloaders and competitive shooters. To support fellow shooters by ensuring safety, consistency, and economical value. In addition, we support all of our customers with technical support, shipping and logistics management. From shooters for shooters.
Import Materials for use in ammunition manufacturing
Ballistic testing per SAAMI protocol
Technical services supplied to all customers
Shooters World LLC was founded in 2012 by Karen and Ned Gerard. They, along with Ken Johnson, are international shooters and competed in the Olympic Games, World Championships, Pan American Games, and US and Caribbean Championships. They understand and support shooters from the perspectives of law enforcement, Department of Defense, sport shooters, and casual civilians.
Reloading Powders Covered

We have load data for the following Shooters World powders:
Shooters World Auto Pistol
This propellant is a bulk form of Lovex D036 reloading propellant. For loaders interested in attaining standard or +P velocities in 9mm Luger, an optimized propellant for the .357 SIG, as well as correct energy levels for cycling carbines with subsonic loads, this propellant is a wise choice for evaluation. It will also perform well with .380 Auto, .44 SPL, .45 Colt, heavy-bullet .40 S&W, and some light-to moderate bullet .357 Magnum loads. It can take your .45 Auto loads to some amazing velocities. This propellant is a good alternative to Longshot, HS-6, and Accurate No 5. As the name says, this propellants main purpose is to enhance cycling of virtually all automatic pistols. This propellant accomplishes the task by way of optimized energy transfer, both to the projectile, and upon the firearm. From self-defense carry ammunition, to competition ammunition, to realistic training ammunition, this propellant can assist the shooter with optimized reliability. A spherical propellant, it meters through charge plates consistently and will work with a high-speed loader with very good flow. It does contain a level of flash suppressant.
Shooters World Major Pistol
This propellant is a canister form of Lovex D037.1 reloading propellant. It is similar in burn speed to ACCURATE No. 7, 2400 and Blue Dot. The gas generation rate is appropriate for cartridges of the 9mm and 10mm Auto, .357 SIG, .45 Colt, .410 Shot shell, light-bullet magnum pistol loads, and other high intensity pistol cartridges. It is especially good for short barrel magnum revolvers, where complete combustion, high velocity and low muzzle flash are desired. It is also possible to achieve extremely high velocities in 9mm Luger with Major Pistol. It does contain a level of flash suppression, incorporated into the propellant. A spherical propellant, it meters through charge plates consistently and will work with high-speed loaders with very good flow. It does contain a level of flash suppressant.
Shooters World Heavy Pistol
Shooters World: Ballistic results for the heavy pistol propellant show it appropriate for magnum pistol applications, .300 Blackout with lightweight projectiles and some other specialty ammunition. It is similar in burn speed to Accurate No 9 , and has similar application as Alliant 2400, Hodgdon H110 or Winchester 296. The superior ignition of this propellant permits less-than-full loading density. Therefore, it is not necessary to load full power loads with this propellant in order to achieve safe results. Shooters World tests this propellant with standard pistol primers, as well as magnum pistol primers. To date, Shooters World have found no evidence that Heavy Pistol requires a magnum primer for reliable ignition. In comparison to other magnum pistol propellants, Shooters World find Heavy Pistol exceptionally clean, accurate with either cast or jacketed projectiles, and exhibiting low muzzle flash. A spherical propellant, it meters through charge plates consistently and will flow well in a high-speed loader.
Shooters World Buffalo Rifle
This propellant has a burn rate optimized for straight walled rifle cartridges, as well as reduced recoil/reduced energy loads in virtually all rifle applications. Chambers where the bullet diameter is virtually the same as the internal case diameter, such as .38-55 Winchester, .45-70 Govt and numerous Schuetzen calibers, will benefit from Buffalo Rifle. The standard test load for this propellant is .30-06 Springfield, a 168 grain bullet, and ONLY 22 grains of propellant. This loading density is less than 50%! Yet this propellant burns extremely well in this condition. Whether the loader desires to shoot cast lead or standard jacketed bullets, this propellant can greatly expand the utility of a hunting rifle. Now, a .30-06 can be used for plinking with the kids! Or a .243 for rabbit hunting! Safe, reduced loads can be economically loaded and enjoyed by the whole family. The surface of this propellant holds no deterrent or burn rate modifier. Therefore, it ignites quite consistently with low loading densities in standard rifle loads. This same ignition characteristic aids accuracy when used with cast lead bullets and long throated chambers. Despite Buffalo Rifle being an extruded propellant, Shooters World have found good flow characteristics through a volumetric powder dump. The grain is narrow, and cut short. While some reloaders insist on weighing each powder charge, Shooters World did not find that extra time necessary when loading this propellant.
Shooters World Blackout
ShootersWorld: Ballistic results for this propellant show it appropriate for both pistol and rifle cartridges that incorporate a near straight-walled cartridge case. The propellant gas generation rate is appropriate for .300 Blackout, 7.62x39, .30-30, .22 Hornet, as well as many straight-walled large pistol and rifle cartridges where rapid transformation from powder to gas is desired. It is similar in burn speed to Accurate 1680 . A spherical propellant, it meters through charge plates consistently and will flow well in a high-speed loader. It contains a level of flash suppression, incorporated into the propellant.
Shooters World Tactical Rifle
This propellant has been a secret of OEM loaders for some time. It is the cleanest .223 and .308 spherical propellant on the market, and a superior alternative to H335 and BLC(2). Optimized for 55 grain .223 Remington, and 147/150 grain .308 Winchester, it also provides sub-minute accuracy with numerous match loads weve evaluated. It is extremely low in residue, muzzle smoke, and is flash suppressed. The propellant flows like water through a volumetric charger. Loaders will see no more than 1/10th of a grain of variation in charge weight from a powder drop. This has been tested in Dillon, RCBS, Lee, Hornady, Hollywood, and Lyman chargers. Additionally, this propellant enables loaders to meet the velocity and pressure specifications of popular rounds for AR and M1A platforms. It provides ample gas pressure and volume for reliable cycling of these operating mechanisms.
Shooters World Precision
This propellant has a burn rate and temperature sensitivity very similar to Hodgdon VARGET. Temperature sensitivity, burn rate and propellant density closely track with the same characteristics of VARGET. However, Shooters World testing reveals that velocity variation at both ambient and extreme temperatures out-performs that of VARGET. This characteristic should benefit those seeking superior accuracy. Precision Rifle has a burn rate that permits use in a wide range of centerfire rifle cartridges. Despite Precision Rifle being an extruded propellant, Shooters World have found good flow characteristics through a volumetric powder dump. The grain is narrow, and cut short. While some reloaders insist on weighing each powder charge, Shooters World did not find that extra time necessary when loading for accuracy with this propellant. Due to its cleanliness of burn and incorporated flash suppressant, there is virtually no muzzle flash with Precision Rifle
Shooters World Match Rifle
This propellant is highly versatile, and has shown exceptional accuracy in .223 Remington, 5.56mm, and .308 Winchester. It is similar in burn speed to Accurate 2520, CFE 223, Reloader 15 and IMR 4064. It holds the broadest utility across all moderate rifle propellants. The propellant gas generation rate is appropriate for cartridges of the light to heavy sectional density .223 Remington and .308 Winchester. It can load the 55 grain, through 77 and 80 grain .223 REM. It loads the 150, 168 and 175 grain .308 Winchester, and loads all .30-30 combinations. It works in .30-06, in 7mm-08, 6mm BR, 6mm PPC, .204 Ruger, and similar cartridges. The burn rate and geometry of this powder yields low residue, and ample port pressure to cycle AR, M1, M1A, G3 and G36 systems. The flow characteristics of this propellant enable the loader to volumetrically dump charges within +/- 0.1 grains.
Shooters World Long Rifle
This propellant has a burn rate optimized for 6.5 Creedmoor, .260 Remington, and .30-06 Sprg. Shooters World initial evaluation in the .300 Winchester Magnum also proves its ability to meet 2900 fps with a 190 grain bullet. Long Rifle is optimized for the 6.5 Creedmoor. Whether with lightweight, moderate or heavy bullets loaded in this cartridge, Long Rifle yields high loading densities and optimized velocities. If you seek accuracy, one of the keys is to find a propellant that can fill the case and seek maximum velocity. Our accuracy testing revealed no group over ? MOA, with many groups 1/2 MOA or better. Despite Long Rifle being an extruded propellant, Shooters World have found good flow characteristics through a volumetric powder dump. The grain is narrow, and cut short. While some reloaders insist on weighing each powder charge, Shooters World did not find that extra time necessary when loading for accuracy with this propellant. Due to its cleanliness of burn and incorporated flash suppressant, there is virtually no muzzle flash with Long Rifle.
Shooters World Clean Shot
Ballistic results for this propellant show it to be highly versatile, with low residue in a myriad of pistol cartridges. It has similar burn rate to Winchester 231, Hodgdon Titegroup , and Accurate No. 2 . This propellant can be used in virtually all pistol cartridges, and 12 gauge shot shell target loads. A fine grain spherical propellant, it meters extremely consistently with volumetric chargers. When used with certain shot shell reloading machines, it is recommended that a PC-PB-2 Powder Baffle be installed to ensure proper machine/propellant interaction. Due to the gas generation rate of this propellant, loaders can achieve high velocities with .45 Auto, .38 SPL, and .45 Colt and similar low-pressure cartridges. This propellant will also enable cycling and nominal velocities in high-pressure semi-automatic firearms chambered in 9mm, .40 S&W, .380 Auto, and others. Additionally, this propellant can be used for reduced loads in virtually any revolver cartridge, whether magnum or standard.
Shooters World Ultimate Pistol
This new propellant has no comparable market equivalent. It is faster in burn rate than Auto Pistol, and slower in burn rate than Clean Shot. Every manufactured batch is tested for superior ignition with BOTH lead-free and standard lead styphnate primers. This ensures superior ignition to any other pistol powder on the market. It is perhaps the most versatile of all propellants across the .380 Auto, 9mm Luger, .40 Smith and Wesson, .38 Special, 38 Super, and .45 Automatic cartridges. Shooters World have tested this propellant to a charge weight of only 3 grains in a .44 Remington Magnum with a cast bullet, and it STILL ignited well! From a competition standpoint, Ultimate Pistols burn rate is similar to Winchester Autocomp. However, the burn rate modifier of Ultimate Pistol is incorporated within the propellant grain. This provides more reliable ignition and consistent velocity than competitors propellants of similar gas generation rate. The grain geometry of Ultimate Pistol promotes highly consistent charging. With a volumetric powder dump, Shooters World have found total charge variation no more than one tenth of a grain. Thats +/- 0.05 grains. The consistency of charging, deterrent location, burn rate and peculiar quality assurance testing of this propellant have proven to contribute to superior accuracy. The gas generation rate of this propellant should enable 9mm Luger, .380 Automatic, .45 Auto, .38 Super, .38 Special, and .40 S&W loaders to reach self defense velocities, while maintaining reasonable pressure levels. Too, this propellant works well at reduced charge weights for low-recoil applications. Shooters World tests and publishes real-world starting loads for all of Shooters Worlds pistol propellants. Shooters World purposefully take Shooters Worlds test load charge weights down to failure, sticking bullets in Shooters Worlds barrels, squibs, short strokes, stove pipes and every other ballistic anomaly. Then, Shooters World clearly annotate with published reloading data where a hand loader can be assured of starting success. Ultimate Pistol does contain a level of flash suppressant.
Shooters World Powders used by our Community for the 10 most popular Calibers
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