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Hodgdon Universal

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Hodgdon  Universal powder load data

Powder Specifications:

Propellant / Powder:
Hodgdon Universal
Relative Burn Rate:
8.8 (0 ... slow| 10 ... fast)
Weapon Use:
Rifles, Pistols, Revolvers
99.26lbs/ft3 | 1590kg/m3
Bulk Density:
36.89lbs/ft3 | 591kg/m3
Last updated:

Universal gunpowder handles the broadest spectrum of cartridges for both pistol and shotgun. This is the Clays gunpowder technology designed for 28 gauge shooters. From the 25 ACP to the 44 magnum and 28-gauge to 12-gauge, UNIVERSAL gunpowder provides outstanding performance. As with all Clays gunpowder series, these powders burn clean and uniformly when fired.

Find all Hodgdon load data in the powder manufacturer section.

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