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Hodgdon TrailBoss

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Hodgdon TrailBoss powder load data

Powder Specifications:

Propellant / Powder:
Hodgdon TrailBoss
Relative Burn Rate:
0 (0 ... slow| 10 ... fast)
Weapon Use:
Rifles, Pistols, Revolvers
93.02lbs/ft3 | 1490kg/m3
Bulk Density:
19.35lbs/ft3 | 310kg/m3
Last updated:

Trail Boss was designed specifically for low-velocity lead bullets suitable for Cowboy Action shooting.

It is primarily a pistol powder but has some application in rifles.
Trail Boss is based on new technology that allows very-high loading density, good flow through powder measures, stability in severe temperature variation, and, most importantly, additional safety to the handloader.

Find all Hodgdon load data in the powder manufacturer section.

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