Shooters World Precision
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This propellant has a burn rate and temperature sensitivity very similar to Hodgdon VARGET. Temperature sensitivity, burn rate and propellant density closely track with the same characteristics of VARGET. However, Shooters World testing reveals that velocity variation at both ambient and extreme temperatures out-performs that of VARGET. This characteristic should benefit those seeking superior accuracy. Precision Rifle has a burn rate that permits use in a wide range of centerfire rifle cartridges. Despite Precision Rifle being an extruded propellant, Shooters World have found good flow characteristics through a volumetric powder dump. The grain is narrow, and cut short. While some reloaders insist on weighing each powder charge, Shooters World did not find that extra time necessary when loading for accuracy with this propellant. Due to its cleanliness of burn and incorporated flash suppressant, there is virtually no muzzle flash with Precision Rifle
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