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Vihtavuori N530

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Vihtavuori N530 powder load data

Powder Specifications:

Propellant / Powder:
Vihtavuori N530
Relative Burn Rate:
2.9 (0 ... slow| 10 ... fast)
Weapon Use:
96.76lbs/ft3 | 1550kg/m3
Bulk Density:
57.75lbs/ft3 | 925kg/m3
Last updated:

The N530 is the fastest burning of all Vihtavuori high-energy rifle powders. Its a great choice for the reloading hunter when flat trajectory and reasonable velocity is needed, like in fox hunting. N530 is also an ideal rifle powder for many of the smaller bottle-necked cases like the .223 Rem or some other 5,56 mm solution, or for large straight-walled cases such as the .45-70 Springfield. It is also a good powder for medium capacity cases like the .308 Win. when using lighter weight bullets of 155 grains or less. The N530 was originally developed and qualified for 5.56 mm x 45 (Cal .223 Rem.) in military use (NATO), but these days its used in a versatile range of loads in cartridges like the .308 Win., 9,3 x 62, .45-70 Government and .458 Win. Mag.

Find all Vihtavuori load data in the powder manufacturer section.

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